Heaven On Earth Milk Replacer - LS Natural Foods
Heaven On Earth Milk Replacer Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth - Regular Flavor
HEAVEN ON EARTH is a FAT FREE milk replacement dry mix that's delicious and easy to use ("just add water").

INGREDIENTS: Tofu extract or soy protein isolate, fructose, guar gum.

NUTRITION FACTS: See separate nutrition facts sheet.

PACKAGING AVAILABILITY:Comes in 12 oz., 5 lb. & 25 lb. paks Standard packaging is 12 oz., 5 lb., & 25 lb. packages, but product can be sold to suit commercial, industrial, and private label requests. (The picture to the right shows 12 oz. and 5 lb. packaging.)

RECONSTITUTION RATIO: Approximately 12 oz. of the powdered mix makes one gallon of product.

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